Italy Coronavirus Outbreak: numbers and stats 2020/02/24

Italy NCOV-19 outbreak number of confirmed cases and deaths in Italy daily change in confirmed cases in Italy daily confirmed cases in Italy daily change in confirmed cases in Lombardy comparison between Lombardy and Hubei province daily new cases ICU numbers Italy NCOV-19 outbreak For personal reasons I am trying to track the number of NCOV-19 confirmed cases in Italy as well as the number of deaths (since I live in Italy, it is not difficult to guess the personal reason…).

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Introducing the paletteR Gallery 2019/11/26

celebrating beauty add your own masterpiece discover more about paletteR celebrating beauty PaletteR, the package that allows you to create an optimized palette from an image, has been staying around for nearly two years, and #rstats users have made a lot of great stuff with it. I had therefore took the time to collect what I have found around the web, just to celebrate this beauty. You can find them below in a slideshow.

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introducing vizscorer: a bot advisor to improve your ggplot plots 2018/11/12

introducing vizscorer: a bot advisor to improve your ggplot plots How to measure a good plot? Preparing a training dataset of plots How to train Machine Learning to recognize a good plot? Can Machine learning talk back to humans? Putting all together: vizscorer and the scorer_bot Where to go from here and how to help introducing vizscorer: a bot advisor to improve your ggplot plots One of the most frustrating issues I face in my professional life is the plentitude of ineffective reports generated within my company.

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how to use PaletteR to automagically build palettes from pictures 2018/05/08

Introducing paletter Installing paletter Creating a palette from your image Functional specification Reading a picture into the RGB colourspace Processing the RGB image trough kmeans Moving to the hsv colours space Removing outliers Optimising palette How to apply paletteR in ggplot2 Join us I live in Italy, and more precisely in Milan, a city known for fashion and design events. During a lunch break I was visiting the Pinacoteca di Brera, a 200 centuries old museum.

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Learning Dataviz Principles and Theory from Tufte 2018/02/10

theory of data graphics maximise data-ink ratio, within reason maximise data density and the size of the data matrix, within reason treat graphics as paragraphs and shape them appropriately integrity of data graphics always show data in their context try to produce a small lie factor show data variation, not design variation use as many dimensions as the number of dimensions in your data how to apply Tufte’s principles in R I have recently completed a great reading: Edward Tufte’s The visual display of quantitative information.

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ggplot2 themes examples 2016/08/09

this short post is exactly what it seems: a showcase of all ggplot2 themes available within the ggplot2 package. I was doing such a list for myself ( you know that feeling …“how would it look like with this theme? let’s try this one…”) and at the end I thought it could have be useful for my readers. At least this post will save you the time of trying all differents themes just to have a sense of how they look like.

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