how to list loaded packages in R: ramazon gets cleaver 2015/09/10

It was around midnight here in Italy: I shared the code on Github, published a post on G+, Linkedin and Twitter and then went to bed. In the next hours things got growing by themselves, with pleasant results like the following: https://twitter.com/DoodlingData/status/635057258888605696 The R community found ramazon a really helpful package. And I actually think it is: Amazon AWS is nowadays one of the most common tools for online web applications and websites hosting.

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ramazon: Deploy your Shiny App on AWS with a Function 2015/08/18

Because Afraus received a good interest, last month I override shinyapps.io free plan limits. That got me move my Shiny App on an Amazon AWS instance. Well, it was not so straight forward: even if there is plenty of tutorials around the web, every one seems to miss a part: upgrading R version, removing shiny-server examples… And even having all info it is still quite a long, error-prone process.

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